Unrapp - iPhone App

unrapp for IOS & Android

a social app for your iphone and android

About What is unrapp?

What is the best part of watching someone open a gift? Most givers enjoy the happiness, facial reactions and natural excitement during this experience. At Unrapp we have set out to enhance this process with a mobile system that delivers candid reactions with instant gratification. Unrapp provides a social platform for users to send images, which are digitally wrapped, then sent to recipients within our network. The recipient must swipe the screen to unveil their gift while the front camera captures raw reaction footage. This footage is then shared with the gift giver to complete the gift giving experience.

  • Gift Giving Upload or capture pictures in order to share with friends and family as a digitally wrapped gift. This is great for birthday wishes, holiday gifts or just any wacky moment. With Unrapp, giving becomes just as fun as receiving.
  • Responses Friends can choose to share their recorded reaction while "Unrapping" their gift. Stay connected in an easy and interactive way!
  • Green Environment Do you care about the environment just as much as us? Over 30 tons of waste is spent on wrapping paper and shopping bags each year. Let’s save a few trees with a creative and easy mobile gift exchange.

Team Who made this possible?

See who made this app possible

Reviews Reviews from our users

  • 5 Star RatingBovmar200 App Store Review Wow, so much fun! Easy to use and allows me to use my creativity to make people laugh.
  • 5 Star RatingBetty Thi App Store Review Move over snapchat -- next best thing!
  • 4 Star RatingEmerca82 App Store Review This app is awesome. Has great potential for the next big social interaction.
  • 5 Star RatingMJavy5 App Store Review So fun to "unwrap" gifts received and to the reaction of friends when they open gifts you send them. Big fan!

Screen Shots See what unrapp is all about

  • Screen Shot 1
  • Screen Shot 2
  • Screen Shot 3
  • Screen Shot 4
  • Screen Shot 5

Demo A quick look at unrapp

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